Childcare Opportunities

Scholarships provided to SCC students by the U.S. Department of Education CCAMPIS Grant.



Pell-eligible SCC student parents with children ages 6 weeks to 11 years of age.



Southeast Community College Child Development Center has been awarded the Childcare Access Means Parents in School Grant from the United States Department of Education. This grant will fund partial child care assistance to Pell-eligible SCC students who need CDC care for their children. Applicants will be selected based on need and space availability. Once a student is receiving assistance, they will remain eligible for assistance as long as they remain Pell-eligible and continue progressing in their schooling. Because of grant fund limitations, not all who apply will be selected.



This grant helps keep parents who are going to school in school by assisting with the cost of childcare. Here at SCC, there are a large number of Pell-eligible student parents who would benefit from financial assistance to help cover the cost of child care.



The CDC has three services to help serve the child care needs of Pell-eligible SCC student parents. The CCAMPIS Grant will fund partial child care assistance based on SCC student need and space availability within the CDC.

Services will be offered only at SCC's Child development Center, located at 8800 O St., Lincoln, NE.

How to Apply:


Pell-eligible SCC student parents need to submit an application, along with a copy of their Pell Award Notification letter and current class schedule to the CDC prior to the deadline for the following term. SCC student parents will be required to have an initial interview with the Grant Coordinator and semester meetings following award of assistance. If funds and space exist after the application deadline, funds will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. (Applications will be time-stamped.)



  1. SCC student must be Pell-eligible.
  2. Enrolled for the upcoming term at any SCC location.
  3. Completed application form along with Pell Award Notification letter and class schedule.
  4. Initial interview with CCAMPIS Grant Coordinator.
  5. Semester interview with the CCAMPIS Grant Coordinator for renewal of assistance.



Applications may be submitted at any time, however, applications will only be accepted if the CDC has openings and if funds are available.

(for children 6 weeks-5 years)
The CDC offers a structured daily schedule with developmentally appropriate activities, along with a preschool program. Children are served breakfast, lunch and a snack. The CDC has an outdoor classroom to allow children to experience nature through gardening and other activities.

(for children 5-11 years of age)
These are held during the school year (fall-spring) only on days when Lincoln Public Schools is not in session and SCC is in session. Theme-related activities and games all day.

(for children Post K-11 years of age)
This is held when Lincoln Public Schools is out of school for the summer. Summer Camps are weekly themed camps with activities, games and field trips.