Tutoring & Transitions Center

Tutoring & Transitions Center

Increase your confidence. Be prepared.

Tutoring is a free supportive service available to all SCC students in all subject areas. Experienced tutors will assist students with concepts, course content, homework, writing assignments, and study skills to help them reach their full potential.

The Tutoring Center is open for face-to-face and online tutoring on all campuses (Lincoln, ESQ, Beatrice, and Milford). Students can find detailed instructions on the Hub through the Request a Tutor link located in every Canvas course (login required).

Transitions helps students improve their Next Generation ACCUPLACER test scores and prepare them for college-level coursework by offering an independent study “Quick Start” non-credit course to work on reading, writing, math, computer and study skills. For a minimal fee of $20, students gain access to an online course and materials, sample tests, tutors, and a waiver to retest for free.



(ESQ, Lincoln) 

(Beatrice, Milford)



(ESQ, Lincoln) 

(Beatrice, Milford)


NEW! Transitions Outreach - Academic Coach

Thanks to a three-year CHE grant, a new Transitions community outreach program started in August 2022. Our academic outreach coach reaches out to local Lincoln non-profits with the aim of providing an educational pathway to any of their participants who desire to pursue their studies. The coach travels to locations around Lincoln to assist new students with obtaining one of SCC’s credentials by tutoring, advising, and informing them of the smoothest path to higher education and better employment. For more information, contact Outreach Coach Gehan Wheeler at gwheeler@southeast.edu or call her on 402-437-2351.